Global Guide of Ethics, Principles, Policies, and Practices in Balanced and Inclusive Education
During 2017, the Education Relief Foundation (ERF), in cooperation with its local partners, organised a series of Regional High-Level Stakeholders Consultation Meetings, covering South East Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Europe and North America. These meetings had three objectives: 1) introducing the concept of Balanced and Inclusive Education (BIE) as conceived, defined, and developed by ERF, including its four pillars (i. intraculturalism; ii. transdisciplinarity; iii. dialecticism; iv. contextuality); 2) fostering dialogue and exchange on BIE’s relevance to different regional, national, and local con- texts; 3) collating the recommendations on BIE of the participating regional stakeholders.
On 8 December 2017, ERF convened the first international conference on Balanced and Inclusive Education (ForumBIE 2030) at the United Nations in Geneva. Constituted of stakeholders as diverse as the International Bureau of Education (IBE-UNESCO), the Unión de Responsabilidad Social Universitaria Latinoamericana (URSULA), and the Uganda National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC – Ministry of Education and Sports), amongst others, the Forum’s delegates resolved to endorse a guide for the delivery and uptake of Balanced and Inclusive Education.
Launched on 21 November 2018 at the II ForumBIE 2030, this publication was the result of ERF’s collaboration with its Consultative Expert Working Group (CEWG) and other leading international experts to deliver on its commitment to prepare a Global Guide for Balanced and Inclusive Education within a year of the I ForumBIE 2030.
The Global Guide of Ethics, Principles, Policies, and Practices in Balanced and Inclusive Education is a series of publications (Global Guide Series) to provide the most comprehensive and effective framework for operationalisation to stakeholders, across sectors, regions, and contexts. This volume was the first publication within the Global Guide Series.