Former Academic Partners

The National Academy of Sciences Arts and Letters of Benin (ANSALB) was created following the Constitutive General Assembly held on December 27, 2010, in accordance with the law of July 1, 1901. It is an independent, sustainable, non-profit, scholarly society under the patronage and protection of the President of the Republic. It is also apolitical and endowed with legal personality and administrative and financial autonomy.It brings together Beninese scientists and can associate foreign scholars chosen among them the most eminent of their fields of competence. They contribute to the accomplishment of the missions of the Academy.

The Nigerian Academy of Science (NAS) is the foremost independent scientific body in Nigeria which was established in 1977 (but incorporated in 1986). NAS is uniquely positioned to bring scientific knowledge to bear on the policies/strategic direction of the country and is also dedicated to the development and advancement of science, technology, and innovation in Nigeria.
NAS is a national not-for-profit organisation with membership elected through a highly competitive process, who has distinguished themselves in their fields both locally and internationally. Some of its members have served as Vice-Chancellors of universities, Directors-General of government parastatals and Ministers in federal ministries. The Academy, given its clout, also has the ability to attract other experts from around the country and internationally when needed.
NAS, with its combination of expertise and independence, is uniquely positioned to bring scientific evidence to bear on policies and program implementation in the country. NAS is Nigeria’s national representative on such bodies as the International Council for Science(ICSU) – the umbrella body for all science associations and unions – and the Inter-Academy Panel (IAP) – the umbrella body for all national science academies globally. The Academy is also a member of the Executive Committees of the Inter-Academy Medical Panel (IAMP) and the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC).

The SEAMEO Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH) is one of three SEAMEO regional centers hosted by the Government of the Philippines (GOP). SEAMEO INNOTECH was established in January 1970 following the SEAMEO Council’s approval of its five-year plan and interim plan of operations. The Center is now located within the campus of the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City.
SEAMEO INNOTECH is principally dedicated to identifying common and unique education problems and needs of Southeast Asian countries and developing innovative and technology-based solutions to address these problems. The Center aids educational development within and outside the region through training and human resource development, research and evaluation, information and communications technology and other special programs addressing specific areas of concern in the Southeast Asian educational scenario.

The Union of University Social Responsibility for Latin America (URSULA) comprises of 90 Latin American member universities with an objective to set out strategies and methodologies for good practices and innovative and sustainable management models of education.