In December 2017, ERF organised the First ForumBIE 2030 at the United Nations in Geneva (UNIOG), at which 85 policy makers and civil society representatives from around the globe, including UNESCO’s International Bureau of Education’s (IBE-UNESCO) representatives, endorsed the need for the development of a Global Guide of Ethics, Principles, Policies and Practices in Balanced and Inclusive Education.
In furtherance of this mandate, ERF launched and distributed the Global Guide within the context of an International Call for Balanced and Inclusive Education (ICBIE). A non-binding expression of a collective aspiration for the pursuit of BIE, the International Call provides the framework for the building of multilateral partnerships and the international implementation of pilots based upon the Global Guide.
Today, The Education Relief Foundation is truly honoured, humbled and very proud to announce that the Global Guide of Ethics, Principles, Policies and Practices in Balanced and Inclusive Education has been launched formally and distributed at the II ForumBIE 2030.
The Global Guide of Ethics, Principles, Policies and Practices in Balanced and Inclusive Education is available to download:
Click here