ERF partner SEAMEO INNOTECH has released a regional research report on Nurturing Critical and Creative Thinking through Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning (IBTL) in Early Childhood Care and Education. The study documents good practices in IBTL in early education contexts in six Southeast Asian Countries (Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam), focusing on the need for deliberate and purposeful interventions to promote and nurture curiosity, imaginative thinking, inquisitiveness and problem solving from a very young age. This builds foundations for creative and critical thinking in later life.
“We trust you will see the research report as a knowledge resource that supports our shared effort to promote balanced and inclusive education within Southeast Asia and beyond,” said Philip Purnell, SEAMEO INNOTECH Manager of Educational Research and Innovations.
SEMEO INNOTECH’s IBTL research holds an important place in their relationship with ERF – in fact, it was this research study that originally sparked the interest in partnership between the two organisations. Since then, the two entities have collaborated on the 15th SEAMEO INNOTECH Internal Conference on Inclusive Education and, more recently, ERF’s Global Guide on Balanced and Inclusive Education. There will be further opportunities to continue this productive partnership during the implementation phase of the Global Guide action agenda, with the goal of bringing to life the core principles and performance indicators of BIE in the hands, hearts and minds of actual teachers and learners in classrooms and other learning environments worldwide.
The report is available here.