On 11th to 13th March 2019, the Education Relief Foundation (ERF) delegation, led by its President Sheikh Manssour Bin Mussallam, visited the Ministry of Education and Higher Education of Palestine (the “Visit”) in Ramallah, Palestine. The purpose of the visit was solely in relation to ERF’s educational mission. ERF has no links, connection, nor involvement in regional or geopolitical activities of any form, including with any government or state related entity.
At no point has ERF, including by its delegation on the recent trip, held itself out, or to ERF’s knowledge been mistaken by any third party, as representing or being connected with any other organisation. ERF does not represent the Saudi Arabia government, or any government, with whom it has no link whatsoever. The visit to the State of Palestine had no direct or indirect connection to any political agenda of any description. ERF is an independent entity engaged exclusively in the realm of Balanced and Inclusive Education and its advancement.
In addition:
- The ERF President is not in any way a member of the Al Saud family.
- The ERF President is not authorised, nor does he purport to be able, to act on behalf of the State nor government of Saudi Arabia.
- ERF is an independent Non-Governmental Organisation (“NGO”) registered in Geneva, Switzerland, with no state or governmental ties and is not subject to any form of control, direction, or ownership by any state or state related entity.
- ERF’s aims are confined solely to the advancement of Balanced and Inclusive Education, and any suggestion that ERF is in any way connected with political activity is false and misleading.
- The ERF President has had no involvement whatsoever in politics, diplomacy, or any of the state related activities, actors, and/or actions which are referred to within the article. The ERF President has no role in any of the matters referred to within the article, save for the Visit which was conducted solely for the purposes of the educational aims of ERF.
- The Visit was co-ordinated with the Palestinian authorities only. ERF and its President have had no other direct or indirect contact whatsoever regarding the Visit with other governments and any suggestion that they have had such contact is wholly incorrect.
The Education Relief Foundation (ERF) is a non-governmental organisation, registered and based in Geneva, dedicated solely to the development, promotion and embedding of the vision of Balanced and Inclusive Education for all.
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